Resilience. EnterpRise and Information security

Our approach

Strong organisations, whether private or public sector entities, continually examine their performance, cost and policy drivers and their external environment. They take account of their strengths and weaknesses and adapt to take advantage of opportunities and mitigate threats.

Too often the parts of organisations charged with their protection are seen as a hindrance to the corporate objective – we are not like that. Resilience Outcomes Australia partners with its clients providing smart and effective risk based solutions to strategic security problems. We recognise that security is not an end in itself, but a supporting function to the corporate purpose. We work on evidence, think laterally and are not afraid to swim against the flow.

Our blog

As part of our ongoing commitment to the community, we publish blogposts on security topics of interest to our staff and clients.

People make mistakes

– or why the ‘Pokemon’ approach has to stop
I’ve been watching the unfolding disaster for Optus and more importantly its customers over the last few days.
My initial thoughts are that this seems to be a failure of governance rather than an elaborate ‘Mission Impossible’ style hack.

read more

Brisbane: 07 3103 1207 (+61 7 3103 1207 outside Australia)

Canberra: 02 6100 2412