Alex Webling
Director and CISO
Alex is our Director and CISO. He is passionate about helping business and government meet their strategic challenges in organisational and cyber resilience, security governance, privacy and information security and has been working in the space for more than 20 years.
Over that time he’s built an international reputation for his work. Alex is a member of the Standards Australia Board on Security and Resilience (MB-025), international rapporteur for resilience for the ISO technical committee 292 (Security and Resilience), Australian Liaison to JTC1 on the ISO 27000 Information Security Management Standard family and an Associate of the Australian Risk Policy Institute. He is a Gateway reviewer and ISO27001 Lead Auditor.
Until 2012, Alex was a senior executive in the Australian Government, focussed on national security. As Head of Protective Security Policy, Alex brought about the Protective Security Policy Framework (PSPF) and introduced the single information classification system.
As Director of National Information Infrastructure, he was responsible for creating the banking and finance and communications groups within the TISN and was foundation Director of the Government Computer Emergency Response Team ( GovCERT).
Brisbane: 07 3103 1207 (+61 7 3103 1207 outside Australia)
Canberra: 02 6100 2412