by Alex W. | Sep 25, 2014 | Crime, Government large and small, Identity, management and leadership, Organisations
Trusted Insider continued Part 2 of 2 talking about the trusted Insider and how organisations can address the problems at an organisational level In part 1 of this we talked about who are the trusted insiders, why organisations are concerned and what the motivations...
by Alex W. | Sep 18, 2014 | Crime, Government large and small, Identity, management and leadership, Organisations
The trusted insider. Helping organisations protect themselves against trusted insiders I attended the Security in Government (SIG) conference in Canberra earlier this month. I am somewhat biased, but I think that SIG is probably the best annual security related...
by Alex W. | Nov 7, 2013 | Big data, Community and Society, Cybersecurity, Government large and small, Resilience
Cyber resilience One of the most important aspects of resilience in the information age is understanding the environment in which we exist. Resilience is adaptability in a changing environment, the more we understand that change, the less painful it is. Here are a few...
by Alex W. | Oct 30, 2013 | Cybersecurity, Government large and small
Over-classification in government continues to restrict information sharing according to a report by the US Department of Defense Inspector General. Balance in Information Security I’ve written previously about over-classification and why it needs to be actively...
by Alex W. | Sep 10, 2013 | Community and Society, Government large and small, Identity
The Four Corners program that aired tonight “In Google We Trust” was interesting if a little alarmist as these things sometimes are. But it did make some good points about privacy in the information age. There was an interesting piece of information about...
by Alex W. | Sep 6, 2013 | Crime, Cybersecurity, Government large and small
Have the NSA and GCHQ been building vulnerabilities into commercial encryption products? If this is true, another argument for open source software has been made. Articles in the New York Times and the Guardian alleged that the N.S.A. has been deliberately weakening...
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