In Government? We want to make it easy you to work with us

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Federal Government Panels and Standing Offer Arrangements

Resilience Outcomes is a signatory to the following SOAs

Australian Bureau of Statistics – Privacy Services Panel SON3575876

This panel is open to all Commonwealth agencies and covers all privacy services, including:

  • Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs)
  • Privacy advice, including in relation to particular projects, implications of privacy initiatives and ongoing requirements under the Privacy Act
  • Privacy-related training for executives
  • Privacy officer secondments and support
  • Independent assurance for privacy-related matters

Department of Defence  – Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance and Electronic Warfare Security Services Panel (ISREW SS SOP)

The scope of the Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance and Electronic Warfare (ISREW) Security Services Standing Offer Panel (SOP) supports and enable the procurement of a range of services including development and delivery of:

  • Commonwealth security procedures, protocols, practices and policies;
  • security risk assessments and security gap analysis;
  • security services relating to Commonwealth facilities;
  • provision of training material and security training relating to Defence security;
  • project management of Commonwealth security projects; and
  • ad hoc security services.

Resilience Outcomes is a member of the Defence Industry Security Program (DISP)

Brisbane: 07 3103 1207 (+61 7 3103 1207 outside Australia)

Canberra: 02 6100 2412