From our blog: post on Government large and small

Privacy in an information age –  Does it exist?

Privacy in an information age – Does it exist?

The Four Corners program that aired tonight "In Google We Trust"  was interesting if a little alarmist as these things sometimes are. But it did make some good points about privacy in the information age. There was an interesting piece of information about the NSW...

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NSA/GCHQ built vulnerabilities into encryption?

Have the NSA and GCHQ been building vulnerabilities into commercial encryption products? If this is true, another argument for open source software has been made. Articles in the New York Times and the Guardian  alleged that  the N.S.A. has been deliberately weakening...

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Cyber-Security doesn’t stop at the virtual perimeter

Cyber-Security doesn’t stop at the virtual perimeter

News that the New York Times was hacked by the Syrian Electronic Army  is interesting not because of the fact that NYT was hacked by the hacking group, but by the method of gaining access. According to this article, information security at the NYT fell over because...

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A culture of entitlement is corrosive

A culture of entitlement is corrosive in a government agency or any organisation I've just come across a USA government document which is both fun to read and educational. Its called the Encyclopedia of ethical failure 2013, its published by the US Defense department....

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Information Security for health practitioners

Is it possible for health practitioners to  achieve information security?  Maybe a better question is  "How can health professionals balance privacy, information security and accessibility in an online world?" Or even, should the medical profession be bothered with...

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Cloud cybersecurity, resilience, infrastructure

ENISA, Europe’s network and information security agency, just released a report looking at cloud computing from the perspective of critical infrastructure protection. ENISA asserts that 80% of large organisations will be using cloud solutions within two years. The...

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Cyber threat, vulnerability and consequence trends 2013

I was asked to give a snapshot about what I thought the big risks for organisations were likely to be in the cyber world in 2013. Below are eight trends that I think are more likely than not to be important in the next twelve months. 1 Boards continue to struggle to...

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Online trusted identities – a primer

Online trusted identities – a primer

"Trust is the currency of the new economy" You may have heard recently about the efforts being promoted by the USA and Australia amongst others to promote trusted online identities. There are also significant efforts in the private sector to develop online trust...

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