Security Standards are vital to our society
That’s why Alex Webling has accepted a nomination to join the Australian Standards Committee for Security Standards and to join the Australian Delegation to ISO TC292, Morioka, Japan in March 2015.
We congratulate Alex on this recognition of his security knowledge and expertise particularly in the areas of enterprise security and resilience and his work in the Australasian Council of Security Professionals and its successor, Security Professionals Australasia.
The Technical Committee will have the following provisional title and scope:
Title: Security
Scope: Standardization in the field of security, including but not limited to generate security management, business continuity management, resilience and emergency management, fraud countermeasures and controls, security services, homeland security.
Excluded: Sector specific security projects developed in other relevant ISO committees and standards developed in ISO/TC 262 and ISO/PC 278.
The committee temporary structure covers the following areas;
ISO/TC 223/WG 1 – Framework standard on societal security management
ISO/TC 223/WG 2 – Terminology
ISO/TC 223/WG 3 – Emergency management
ISO/TC 223/WG 4 – Resilience and continuity
ISO/TC 223/WG 6 – Mass evacuation
ISO/TC 223/AHG – Professional development
ISO/TC 223/AHG – Information exchange
ISO/TC 223/AHG – Continuity management
ISO/TC 223/AHG – Revision of ISO 22320
ISO/TC 223 TF – Task force on strategic dialogue
ISO/TC 223/AHG 4 – Communication group
ISO/TC 223 DCCG, Developing countries contact group
ISO/TC 247/WG 1 – MSS for security assurance
ISO/TC 247/WG 2 – Terminology
ISO/TC 247/WG 3 – Guidelines for interoperable object and related authentication systems to deter
counterfeiting and illicit trade
ISO/TC 247/WG 4 – Product Fraud Countermeasures and Controls
ISO/TC 247/WG 5 – Document Fraud Countermeasures and Controls
ISO/PC 284/WG 1 – Management system for private security operations – Requirements with guidance
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