Organisational resilience

What we do

  • Audits of company / organisational resilience
  • Review of organisational protective security strategy
  • Organisational reputation management
  • Information privacy and security
  • Crisis communications and coordination

The vast majority of companies in Australia today will no longer be around in 25 years. Indications are that the average lifespan of companies is getting shorter as the pace of change speeds up. It is not just SMEs, but big companies too.

We work with organisations that want longevity. We help companies change their culture to become resilient and take a holistic approach to risk thus making it part of their organisational DNA.

We do this by working with our clients to develop a strategic approach to risk allowing them to become more adaptable to the ever-changing environment. We use a combination of skills and capabilities developed over long careers in national security and intelligence to  help them identify the risks that they are willing to accept and potentially profit from, those that they seek to minimize, transfer or avoid.

Because in the end,  it is not the biggest companies, nor the fastest to innovate who tend to survive,  but those that are most adaptable to change. We work with boards to put the odds in their favour.

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